
Spectra from light shone through prisms | engraving | 1817

Optical diagrams showing light shone through prisms and the resulting spectral patterns. Four figures lettered ga-gb and Ea-Eb. Plate 6 from the monograph "Merkwurdige phanomene an und durch verschiedene prismen: zur richtigen wurdigung der Newton'schen und der von Gothe'schen farbenlehre", [Remarkable phenomena at and through different prisms to correct Newton's and Goethe's theories of colours] by Johann Friedrich Christian Werneburg (Nuremberg, 1817). Engraved top right "Tabula 6" J F C Werneburg (1777-1851) was a Professor at the University of Jena.


Pagina International Review of Graphic Design, No. 4, January 1964 Cover Designer Max Bill (1908–1994)

Published quarterly in Milan, Italy from 1962–1965 (7 issues), this short-lived international magazine focused on discovering and analyzing all things graphic design.